5 Hallmarks of Gifted Education for Young Learners



有天赋的学生在支持他们智力水平的教育环境中茁壮成长, regardless of their age. 他们受益于那些擅长教授最先进学科的教师,如果他们在其他领域可能需要支持,他们也不会感到惊讶. 他们在灵活的课程中茁壮成长,这些课程可以根据天才儿童的兴趣扩展到对日益复杂的材料进行更深入的研究. 他们还受益于学校的环境,为所有年级的异步学术和社会/情感发展提供情感支持和策略, from preschool to high school. 最重要的是, gifted students benefit from being celebrated for their whole selves, for their giftedness and ordinariness alike. 在威弗莱特,新巴黎人注册网站认为所有的孩子都可以受益于“天才”教育.


1. How does the program motivate students?

There are many ways to motivate students of every age—from gold stars to grades. But what are the downsides of reward-based learning? Does it tap into a child’s natural curiosity? Does it build persistence? Will the drive to learn come from within your child? G&让所有年龄段的学生都有选择新巴黎人注册网站内容的课程更有可能成为自我指导和终身新巴黎人注册网站者.

2. How big a role do students play in their own learning?

It may seem counterintuitive, 但最严谨的学术研究往往是挖掘学生的兴趣和才能的结果. Waynflete’s preschool program captures the magic of this approach. 这是一门紧急课程,由三四岁的孩子决定他们要学什么. “Our students feel great ownership of our classroom, in part because our curriculum is driven by their ideas, 问题, 和利益,” says preschool teacher Bob Mills. “他们对内容的自然投入使他们能够深化和完善语言等技能, 数学, 科学, 音乐, 地理位置, and art—without losing their excitement for learning.”

It’s about more than just fun. 教师兼艺术家格雷琴·谢弗强调,老师们要寻找能吸引学生的话题, and 2) have the potential for depth and multiple extensions. “新巴黎人注册网站帮助学生选择新巴黎人注册网站认为有可能持续兴趣的新巴黎人注册网站主题.历史上持续时间最长的研究之一从一些关于渡船的问题开始.

早期关于渡轮的问题很快就变成了教科书式的紧急课程. After learning about local ferries and ferryboat captains, the students branched out to anchors, 岛屿, 灯塔, 和海浪. Never underestimate young learners’ capacity for learning. Every day on his way to school, 一个小男孩检查海岸警卫队站的旗帜,以了解卡斯科湾的天气状况. 很快,每个学生都知道了教室里升起的旗子的含义:一个红色三角形代表小船警告, two for gale warnings; one red square for a storm warning and two for a hurricane.

3. How far does the program allow students to follow their 利益?

A G&T program should encourage students to go deep in response to emerging 利益, 使新巴黎人注册网站更有意义,并使学生在教育中发挥直接作用. It also contributes to classrooms humming with happy and engaged students.

在Waynflete,新巴黎人注册网站相信学生的问题是深度新巴黎人注册网站的最佳起点. 例如, just when it seemed the unit described above was coming to a close, a student noticed a lobster boat in one of the books about ferries, and the class was off on yet another related subject. 他们把冰箱盒子变成了渡船,变成了一艘龙虾船,名为“十足”(以他们研究过的一种有五套行走腿的甲壳类动物命名)。. Of course, that led to a lobster shack, complete with café tables and menus. “We had kids designing menus like crazy,” says teacher Debbie Rowe. “新巴黎人注册网站有学生新巴黎人注册网站如何写十个单词,因为他们真的想做一个菜单.”

4. What is the teacher’s role in learning?

教师在开发促进学生主导新巴黎人注册网站的课程方面发挥着关键作用. In early education, they model how to ask and explore a good question. 早上的会议可能会包括一个“挑衅”——一个开放式的问题,旨在引起许多不同的回答. 这些问题的引入给了学生一个新巴黎人注册网站如何回应和相互新巴黎人注册网站的机会. (The results can be startling. 在一次关于大白鲨的讨论中,一个学生宣称鲨鱼是“食肉动物”.在猜了几分钟捕食者是什么之后,另一个孩子问:“新巴黎人注册网站是捕食者吗??”)

There is a wealth of content, 概念, and skills that elementary school students must master before entering middle school. 在理想的情况下, 虽然, teachers can still structure reading assignments, 研究, 项目, and discussions that provide space and encouragement for student 问题, 利益, 和选择. 快速浏览一下教室的布置可以揭示很多关于学生和老师的角色. 大大小小的桌子,孩子们可以很容易地分组和重新分组,这意味着一个更合作的环境, discussion-based approach to learning.

5. How much does the curriculum allow for differentiated learning?

Is your child charging ahead in one area but lagging a bit in others? 许多G&T课程是为那些在一门或多门学科上表现出能力的学生设计的. Most programs focus on students who are “ahead” in either reading or 数学 skills. 差异化的作业也可以根据不同学生的技能水平来设计,但仍然可以扩展每个孩子的思维.

What should you look for? Study the student work on the classroom walls. On 数学 worksheets, see if students are asked to arrive at a single “right answer.” Also search for examples of enriched curriculum, 这通常是由开放式问题引发的,这些问题允许学生在不同的水平上新巴黎人注册网站数学,并了解解决问题的不同方法. 例如, 进入Waynflete幼儿园一年级教室的学生,会在黑板上看到这样的问题:

“我注意到. 我想知道”

9, 16, 25, 43

Such open-ended 问题 are accessible to all the students in the room, 并为其他人提供参与有趣的探索和讨论的机会,从而扩展他们的思维和对数学的享受. “没有正确的答案,也不用担心给出错误的答案,”K-1老师杰斯·基南说. “Open-ended 问题 feed their curiosity, which is easily lost as they get older.”

需要掌握基本材料的年轻新巴黎人注册网站者可以按照自己的速度和水平新巴黎人注册网站. Try to discern whether a G&T计划为不同类型的新巴黎人注册网站者提供了许多方法来接近和理解识字和算术. 例如, 看看这个程序是否为年轻的学生提供了不同的方式来理解数学(通过图片), 数字, 教具, 和模型).

At Waynflete, this model of G&T learning is built into our preschool and elementary school programs. We believe students learn most deeply through work that is accessible to all; encourages curiosity, 探索, and flights of fancy; and extends over time.

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